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Monday, February 8, 2010

A Little Geekiness is a Pleasurable Thing

If it weren’t for all that mathematical equation stuff (and the fact that it helps to have an abnormally high IQ), I wouldn’t mind being a science geek. I think science is fascinating, and I’ve been blessed—or cursed, as the case may be—with an insatiable sense of curiosity about everything and anything.

So, I was thrilled when I discovered a show called “Radiolab.” It was by accident that I ran across this public radio treat from WNYC. During the holidays, my local public radio station replayed former broadcasts from Radiolab, and after hearing an episode that posited a theory connecting a feline parasite with Schizophrenia, I was hooked. Since then, I’ve spent many pleasurable and geeky hours listening to Radiolab podcasts, on subjects as varied as “animal minds,” lying, parasites (more fascinating than I ever could have imagined), laughter, blinking, and the placebo effect, just to name a few.

Here’s how Radio Lab describes itself:
Radiolab believes your ears are a portal to another world. Where sound illuminates ideas, and the boundaries blur between science, philosophy, and human experience. Big questions are investigated, tinkered with, and encouraged to grow. Bring your curiosity, and we'll feed it with possibility.

If you’ve ever felt the least bit geeky when it comes to science, or if you just have a curiosity about the world and how it works, check out Radiolab. You can listen to episodes on your computer, or download them to an IPod or other portable media player.

And what did you find pleasurable today?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am a geek too!!! When I just read about Radiolab I got all happy!!! Why? Because I have this thing about being a info-holic....just love anything that you can read or listen too that has to do with info....this podcast is right up my alley...Thank you!!!!!....I am grinning ear to ear! lol