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Monday, April 26, 2010

Strawberry Fields

We did manage to make it to Sweet Berry Farm this weekend, and we picked pounds and pounds of luscious strawberries!


The kids had fun picking strawberries; Izabel went for quantity over quality:


But Brandon ate more than ended up in his basket (once he was convinced that a little dirt never hurt anyone):


My son J.B. spent a lot of time finding only the most quality berries:

jb picking

Everyone petted the horses and donkeys:

izabel and horses

brandon and donkeys

And oohed and aahed over the baby:

baby donkey

Mama Donkey fell in love with my lovely partner, especially after she fed her grass and strawberries:

M and mama donkey

After we got home, we used the last few ounces of our energy to make some strawberry preserves:


English muffins and strawberry preserves for dinner, then strawberry shortcake for dessert. Does it get any better than this?

And what did you find pleasurable today?


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