This blog is gone but not forgotten. Please visit my "regular" blog, Textile Traveler.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Getting Away

Two weeks ago I was hard-pressed to find many pleasures in daily life. I was stressed, hurried, not sleeping well, and generally cranky.
Then I went on vacation.
Not only did I go on vacation, but I went somewhere peaceful with a goal of spending part of my time doing fun things, and part of my time relaxing. I didn’t have internet access for most of the trip, and that turned out to be a blessing.
It’s so much easier to find pleasure in the smallest details when life is whittled down to the bare vacation essentials: a little shopping, some sightseeing, lots of naps and early morning sunrises, walks, time with my sweetie and our pup, and good food.
I wasn’t the only one, apparently, who found our cabin in the Ozarks relaxing. This little guy stretched out for a full 20-minute power nap in the middle of the afternoon:
Is it possible to overrate the benefits of a vacation? What a luxury to be able to slow down and notice the pleasures that are all around us.
oakland sunset2
And what did you find pleasurable today?
PS: See additional vacation photos on my other blog, Textile Traveler.

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